Small Groups

Our groups are based on individual interests and passions. Anyone can find a group that suits them, regardless of age, interests or location.

Why Small Groups?

At Life Church, we GROW in community! Our small groups encompass a variety of interests and topics. Join one today and let your interests connect you to new friendships.

Want more information? Interested in joining an interest based group in our upcoming semester? Connect with our Small Group Directors, Manny and Kaitlyn, to get more information or get plugged into a group.

Current Small Groups

Check out the wide range of groups we offer! Just click or tap on each picture to get all the details, meeting times, and sign-up info.

There’s something for everyone, so don’t miss out!

Small Groups Calendar

Talk to your host for any changes in dates and locations

Could you be a small group leader?
Could you be a small group leader?

You don’t have to be perfect to lead a small group. Just pick something that interests you, invite a few friends to join you, pick a place, time, and frequency to meet, and that’s it!


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